Archive | May, 2014

Launch for our kickstarter campaign for the Multi-platform release of The Knife That Killed Me

19 May

The Knife That Killed


We are launching a Kickstarter Campaign for a brilliant new multi-platform release The Knife That Killed Me

Six years of hard work and dedication has gone in to creating The Knife That Killed Me and we are now at the final stage of releasing the film to the public for which we need your support and collaboration.

We are delighted that Universal Pictures UK has come on board to release the film on DVD and VOD in the UK later this year, but we are determined that the initial release of this truly unusual project should be done in a manner that stays true to the unconventional nature of the film itself.

We therefore aim to launch The Knife That Killed Me with a Multiplatform Premiere event that will be open to a global audience, for free. Following this we aim to release the film with a limited theatrical run in a select number of cinema locations that have seen and enjoyed the film.

Kickstarter link